Enormous volumes of food waste disappear untapped into landfills and or incineration world wide, causing huge negative impact on our environment. This regardless the fact, that food waste represents a substantial green energy source, if collected and handled correctly. In addition to CO2 neutral methane, digestate from anaerobe digestion, is classified as a first class biological fertilizer with, all vital, all natural, nutrients kept intact.

Utilization of food waste is essential in production of renewable energy; however the industry is coming to terms with, and acknowledging that efficient pre treatment is a “bottle neck”. Current systems are insufficient, not meeting the needs of the industry and with technologies from other businesses, mainly pulp & paper.

Presently market trends clearly indicate that the industry is looking to acquire specialized equipment and complete systems from pre-treatment purveyors that deliver in accordance with today’s needs.

Historically, food waste has been processed in close proximity to biogas plants and AD digesters. For logistical and economical reasons this practice is changing in favour of decentralized pre-treatment systems.

10 Norsk Biogass highlights

1. High knowledge on separation and bio pre-treatment technology
2. More than 25 years of experience in production of BioSep®
3. Proven and standardized technology
4. International sales organisation and agents
5. Service and maintenance organisation
6. Spare parts on stock – short delivery time
7. Huge range of different machinery and complete pre-treatment plant
8. Sediment tank technology
9. Innovative organisation
10. Sale, leasing, rent – we are flexible



BioSep® is a unique pre-treatment technology that enables separation of Organic Material from plastics and other packaging materials in existing waste streams. The end product from this process is a virtually plastic free biomass suitable for anaerobic digestion for biogas production.

The BioSep® technology makes it possible to remove food packaging and other undesired materials without any human effort or pre-handling. This provides our customers with a process that cost effectively solves the pre-treatment and separation which is becoming ever more important while striving to achieve an efficient anaerobic digestion in biogas production.

BioSep® is the core component in our BioPrePlant® Systems. BioPrePlant® Systems are “All-In-One” systems that are customized to satisfy our clients every need. The “All-In-One” system enables acceptance of a wide range of feed stock from food waste, providing flexibility, consistency and minimal down time in the plant due to lack of raw material. At the same time our BioPrePlant® System stands for a unique and groundbreaking performance and quality in pre-treatment of food waste, with proven performance data previously unknown to the industry.

Quality system

The Quality Management System aims to cover all areas of our business environment in order to secure a professional and improving organisation.

Quality policy
Norsk Biogass AS quality policy implies an ongoing process to; improve, using secure working methods and business concepts so that all employees and engaged personnel conduct their assignments according to our customer’s needs and expectations.

Quality objectives
Norsk Biogass AS superior objective is to secure adequate and professional accomplishment of BioPrePlant®-System supplies so that our customers are satisfied. Defined distribution of responsibility, clear explained working procedures and document routines will be monitored on a running basis for continuous improvements.

Norsk Biogass AS aims to supply systems and to conduct our business so that it contributes to a sustainable development for society.


EEP award
On December 1st 2010 Norsk Biogass received a silver medal for its unique BioSep® technology at the award ceremony during the Pollutec Exhibition in Lyon France. Receiving the award Norsk Biogass Chairman and CCO, Ole S. Rod held a speech on behalf of the company. “We are trilled and excited about the prize which will encourage and give us new and increased motivation for the job ahead.” The EEP Award is presented by the European Environmental Press (EEP) Association in co-operation with the leading French environmental fair, Pollutec, with support from the EFAEP (European Federation of Associations of Environmental Professionals).

Innovation of the Year
Norsk Biogass was awarded “Innovation of the Year” by Avfall Norge for its unique BioSep® technology. “Innovation of the Year” is established by Avfall Norge to honour achievements witch lead to developments within the waste industry.

The award jury states the following reasons for the nomination;
• The BioSep® is developed and in operation with proven technical quality.
• The BioSep® substantiates high efficiency to solve problems linked to de–packaging of food waste as part of the pre-treatment within the waste to energy industry.
• The BioSep® has both a national and international potential.

Waste Management Norway (Avfall Norge) is an organization for approximately 90 Municipal and intermunicipal solid waste organizations. Avfall Norge covers about 95 percent of Norway's municipalities, directly or via an intermunicipal organization.

Business idea

Our idea is to provide First Class Pre Treatment Systems to customers in the food waste industry. These Pre Treatment Systems shall utilize the resource in food waste to its optimal potential, providing customers a profitable return on investment. The customer base is all over the world.

Products and services

Products and services

We support both private industries and public sector waste handling companies, supplying complete turnkey ready to use Pre Treatment installations directly or as a sub contractor.

Services shall include, however not be limited to, pre-studies, evaluations, engineering & design, installation, commissioning and parts and service.

Together we are
stronger and make
better solutions
than alone!